Browse through our wide range of training courses depending on what firm or sector your company is and what type of training program you need.
Company Firm | Training Program | Code | Training Course | Duration |
Manufacturing | Behavioral Program | BP01 | Change Management - COD (Change or Die) | 1 Day |
Manufacturing | Behavioral Program | BP02 | Creativity and Innovation in the Workplace - Poka Yoke Approach | 1 Day |
Manufacturing | Behavioral Program | BP03 | Efficient Delegation - Key Steps to Organizational Success | 2 Days |
Manufacturing | Behavioral Program | BP04 | Enhancing Leadership Skills of Leaders | 2 Days |
Manufacturing | Behavioral Program | BP05 | Enneagram for effective Personnel Management | 1 Day |
Manufacturing | Behavioral Program | BP06 | HR Enhancement Seminar including Labor Law Updates | 2 Days |
Manufacturing | Behavioral Program | BP07 | Interviewing skills to screen the best applicant | 2 Days |
Manufacturing | Behavioral Program | BP08 | Performance Evaluation, Measurement and Analysis | 2 Days |
Manufacturing | Behavioral Program | BP09 | Stress Management | 2 Days |
Manufacturing | Behavioral Program | BP10 | Synergy Effects of Team-building for Organizational Growth | 2 Days |
Manufacturing | Behavioral Program | BP11 | The 8 Essential Habits towards Business Stability | 1 Day |
Manufacturing | Behavioral Program | BP12 | Time Management is Life Management | 1 Day |
Manufacturing | Behavioral Program | BP13 | Transforming Supervisors into Managers | 1 Day |
Manufacturing | Behavioral Program | BP14 | Tripple Communication within the Organization | 1 Day |
Manufacturing | Behavioral Program | BP15 | Work Attitude and Values Enhancement | 2 Days |
Manufacturing | Behavioral Program | BP16 | Work Life Balance | 1 Day |
Manufacturing | Management Systems | MS01 | BS 25999:2007 BCM (Business Continuity Management) | 1 Day |
Manufacturing | Management Systems | MS02 | ISO / TS 16949 : 2009 QMS for Automotive Industry | 1 Day |
Manufacturing | Management Systems | MS03 | ISO 10002 - Guidelines to Implement a Complaints Management | 1 Day |
Manufacturing | Management Systems | MS04 | ISO 10003 - Setting up an Effective Dispute Resolution System | 1 Day |
Manufacturing | Management Systems | MS05 | ISO 10014 - Guidelines to Achieve Financial Benefits from your QMS | 1 Day |
Manufacturing | Management Systems | MS06 | ISO 10015 - An in depth Understanding of guidelines for Training | 1 Day |
Manufacturing | Management Systems | MS08 | ISO 14001 : 2004 EMS (Environmental Management System) | 1 Day |
Manufacturing | Management Systems | MS09 | ISO 19011: 2011 1st and 2nd Party Auditing for any management System | 3 Days |
Manufacturing | Management Systems | MS10 | ISO 22000: 2005 FSMS (Food Safety Management System) | 1 Day |
Manufacturing | Management Systems | MS11 | ISO 26000 - Guidelines for Corporate Social Responsibility | 1 Day |
Manufacturing | Management Systems | MS12 | ISO 27001:2005 ISMS (Information Security Management System) | 1 Day |
Manufacturing | Management Systems | MS13 | ISO 27005:2008 Guidelines for Risk Management | 2 Days |
Manufacturing | Management Systems | MS14 | ISO 28000:2005 SCSM (Supply Chain Security Management) Awareness | 1 Day |
Manufacturing | Management Systems | MS15 | ISO 9001 : 2008 Quality Management System | 1 Day |
Manufacturing | Management Systems | MS16 | ISO50001 EnMS (Energy Management System) | 1 Day |
Manufacturing | Management Systems | MS17 | OHSAS 18001 :2007 OHSAS | 1 Day |
Manufacturing | Corporate Excellence | CE01 | Establishing In House Calibration | 2 Days |
Manufacturing | Corporate Excellence | CE02 | 7 QC Tools - Implementation in an Organization | 2 Days |
Manufacturing | Corporate Excellence | CE05 | Accident/Incedent Reporting and Investigation | 1 Day |
Manufacturing | Corporate Excellence | CE06 | Advanced Product Quality Planning (APQP) | 2 Days |
Manufacturing | Corporate Excellence | CE07 | Advanced Statiscal Process Control (SPC) | 2 Days |
Manufacturing | Corporate Excellence | CE08 | Auditor's Training - Continual Development including Case Analysis | 2 Days |
Manufacturing | Corporate Excellence | CE09 | Brand Image Enhancement through Corporate Social Responsibility | 1 Day |
Manufacturing | Corporate Excellence | CE10 | Contracting and Procurement Management | 1 Day |
Manufacturing | Corporate Excellence | CE11 | Corporate Technical Reporting - Storyline Approach | 2 Days |
Manufacturing | Corporate Excellence | CE12 | DCC Training - Effective Implementation of Document Control | 2 Days |
Manufacturing | Corporate Excellence | CE13 | Design of Experiment (DOE) | 1 Day |
Manufacturing | Corporate Excellence | CE14 | Dimensional Metrology with Tolerancing and Fits | 2 Days |
Manufacturing | Corporate Excellence | CE15 | Electrostratic Discharge Control (ESD) Risk management | 1 Day |
Manufacturing | Corporate Excellence | CE16 | Ergonomics in the Workplace-Essential for Safety and Productivity | 1 Day |
Manufacturing | Corporate Excellence | CE18 | Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) | 2 Days |
Manufacturing | Corporate Excellence | CE19 | Financial Planning & Management | 1 Day |
Manufacturing | Corporate Excellence | CE20 | Fire Safety Awareness | 1 Day |
Manufacturing | Corporate Excellence | CE21 | First Aid and Basic Life Support | 2 Days |
Manufacturing | Corporate Excellence | CE22 | Green/Black Belt Six Sigma | 5 Days |
Manufacturing | Corporate Excellence | CE24 | Identifying Training needs Analysis-Workshop | 2 Days |
Manufacturing | Corporate Excellence | CE25 | Implementing an Effective Energy Management Program | 2 Days |
Manufacturing | Corporate Excellence | CE26 | In House Trainers - Continual Development Training | 2 Days |
Manufacturing | Corporate Excellence | CE27 | Kaizen - Continual Improvement Techniques | 1 Day |
Manufacturing | Corporate Excellence | CE28 | Kanban System | 1 Day |
Manufacturing | Corporate Excellence | CE29 | Knowing your Business through Balanced Scorecard | 1 Day |
Manufacturing | Corporate Excellence | CE30 | Lean Inventory Management | 1 Day |
Manufacturing | Corporate Excellence | CE31 | Life Cycle Management | 1 Day |
Manufacturing | Corporate Excellence | CE32 | Materials & Energy Flow Analysis | 2 Days |
Manufacturing | Corporate Excellence | CE33 | Measurement System Analysis (MSA) | 2 Days |
Manufacturing | Corporate Excellence | CE34 | Measuring ROI on Implementing Effective Training System | 1 Day |
Manufacturing | Corporate Excellence | CE35 | Microsoft Excel Application with Pivoting & Macros | 2 Days |
Manufacturing | Corporate Excellence | CE36 | Microsoft PowerPoint Application | 1 Day |
Manufacturing | Corporate Excellence | CE37 | Mistake Proofing and Poka - Yoke | 1 Day |
Manufacturing | Corporate Excellence | CE38 | MSDS & Chemical Safety (REACH, RoHS and other Directives) | 1 Day |
Manufacturing | Corporate Excellence | CE40 | Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)-Why use in an Organization | 1 Day |
Manufacturing | Corporate Excellence | CE41 | Philippine Legislation - Environmental / Safety | 1 Day |
Manufacturing | Corporate Excellence | CE42 | Plan Do Check Act (PDCA Concept) and other Deployment tools | 1 Day |
Manufacturing | Corporate Excellence | CE43 | Pollution Control Officer Training | Β 2 Days |
Manufacturing | Corporate Excellence | CE44 | Problem Solving through 9 Disciplines Approach | 2 Days |
Manufacturing | Corporate Excellence | CE45 | Problem Solving through Fault Tree Analysis | 1 Day |
Manufacturing | Corporate Excellence | CE46 | Production Part Approval Process (PPAP) | 1 Day |
Manufacturing | Corporate Excellence | CE47 | Project Risk Management | 1 Day |
Manufacturing | Corporate Excellence | CE49 | Quality Objectives and Target Setting - Workshop | 1 Day |
Manufacturing | Corporate Excellence | CE50 | Safety Management Representative (SMR) Training | 2 Days |
Manufacturing | Corporate Excellence | CE51 | Sampling Principle | 1 Day |
Manufacturing | Corporate Excellence | CE54 | Supplierβs Development | 1 Day |
Manufacturing | Corporate Excellence | CE55 | The Financial Aspects of Managing Quality (Cost of Quality) | 1 Day |
Manufacturing | Corporate Excellence | CE56 | Total Productivity Maintenance (TPM) | 1 Day |
Manufacturing | Corporate Excellence | CE58 | Warehouse Management | 1 Day |
Manufacturing | Corporate Excellence | CE59 | Waste Management of Electrical and Electronic Equipment (W3E) | 1 Day |
Manufacturing | Corporate Excellence | CE60 | Waste Management-Save Money while Saving the Environment | 1 Day |
Construction | Behavioral Program | BP01 | Change Management - COD (Change or Die) | 1 Day |
Construction | Behavioral Program | BP02 | Creativity and Innovation in the Workplace - Poka Yoke Approach | 1 Day |
Construction | Behavioral Program | BP03 | Efficient Delegation - Key Steps to Organizational Success | 2 Days |
Construction | Behavioral Program | BP04 | Enhancing Leadership Skills of Leaders | 2 Days |
Construction | Behavioral Program | BP05 | Enneagram for effective Personnel Management | 1 Day |
Construction | Behavioral Program | BP06 | HR Enhancement Seminar including Labor Law Updates | 2 Days |
Construction | Behavioral Program | BP07 | Interviewing skills to screen the best applicant | 2 Days |
Construction | Behavioral Program | BP08 | Performance Evaluation, Measurement and Analysis | 2 Days |
Construction | Behavioral Program | BP09 | Stress Management | 2 Days |
Construction | Behavioral Program | BP10 | Synergy Effects of Team-building for Organizational Growth | 2 Days |
Construction | Behavioral Program | BP11 | The 8 Essential Habits towards Business Stability | 1 Day |
Construction | Behavioral Program | BP12 | Time Management is Life Management | 1 Day |
Construction | Behavioral Program | BP13 | Transforming Supervisors into Managers | 1 Day |
Construction | Behavioral Program | BP14 | Tripple Communication within the Organization | 1 Day |
Construction | Behavioral Program | BP15 | Work Attitude and Values Enhancement | 2 Days |
Construction | Behavioral Program | BP16 | Work Life Balance | 1 Day |
Construction | Management Systems | MS01 | BS 25999:2007 BCM (Business Continuity Management) | 1 Day |
Construction | Management Systems | MS03 | ISO 10002 - Guidelines to Implement a Complaints Management | 1 Day |
Construction | Management Systems | MS04 | ISO 10003 - Setting up an Effective Dispute Resolution System | 1 Day |
Construction | Management Systems | MS05 | ISO 10014 - Guidelines to Achieve Financial Benefits from your QMS | 1 Day |
Construction | Management Systems | MS06 | ISO 10015 - An in depth Understanding of guidelines for Training | 1 Day |
Construction | Management Systems | MS08 | ISO 14001 : 2004 EMS (Environmental Management System) | 1 Day |
Construction | Management Systems | MS09 | ISO 19011: 2011 1st & 2nd Party Auditing for any management System | 3 Days |
Construction | Management Systems | MS11 | ISO 26000 - Guidelines for Corporate Social Responsibility | 1 Day |
Construction | Management Systems | MS12 | ISO 27001:2005 ISMS (Information Security Management System) | 1 Day |
Construction | Management Systems | MS13 | ISO 27005:2008 Guidelines for Risk Management | 2 Days |
Construction | Management Systems | MS14 | ISO 28000:2005 SCSM (Supply Chain Security Management) | 1 Day |
Construction | Management Systems | MS15 | ISO 9001 : 2008 Quality Management System | 1 Day |
Construction | Management Systems | MS16 | ISO50001 EnMS (Energy Management System) | 1 Day |
Construction | Management Systems | MS17 | OHSAS 18001 :2007 OHSAS | 1 Day |
Construction | Corporate Excellence | CE02 | 7 QC Tools - Implementation in an Organization | 2 Days |
Construction | Corporate Excellence | CE05 | Accident/Incedent Reporting and Investigation | 1 Day |
Construction | Corporate Excellence | CE08 | Auditor's Training - Continual Development including Case Analysis | 2 Days |
Construction | Corporate Excellence | CE09 | Brand Image Enhancement through Corporate Social Responsibility | 1 Day |
Construction | Corporate Excellence | CE10 | Contracting and Procurement Management | 1 Day |
Construction | Corporate Excellence | CE12 | DCC Training - Effective Implementation of Document Control | 2 Days |
Construction | Corporate Excellence | CE16 | Ergonomics in the Workplace-Essential for Safety and Productivity | 1 Day |
Construction | Corporate Excellence | CE19 | Financial Planning & Management | 1 Day |
Construction | Corporate Excellence | CE20 | Fire Safety Awareness | 1 Day |
Construction | Corporate Excellence | CE21 | First Aid and Basic Life Support | 2 Days |
Construction | Corporate Excellence | CE23 | Health and Safety in the Construction Industry | 1 Day |
Construction | Corporate Excellence | CE24 | Identifying Training needs Analysis-Workshop | 2 Days |
Construction | Corporate Excellence | CE25 | Implementing an Effective Energy Management Program | 2 Days |
Construction | Corporate Excellence | CE26 | In House Trainers - Continual Development Training | 2 Days |
Construction | Corporate Excellence | CE27 | Kaizen - Continual Improvement Techniques | 1 Day |
Construction | Corporate Excellence | CE29 | Knowing your Business through Balanced Scorecard | 1 Day |
Construction | Corporate Excellence | CE32 | Materials & Energy Flow Analysis | 2 Days |
Construction | Corporate Excellence | CE34 | Measuring ROI on Implementing Effective Training System | 1 Day |
Construction | Corporate Excellence | CE35 | Microsoft Excel Application with Pivoting & Macros | 2 Days |
Construction | Corporate Excellence | CE36 | Microsoft PowerPoint Application | 1 Day |
Construction | Corporate Excellence | CE40 | Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)-Why use in an Organization | 1 Day |
Construction | Corporate Excellence | CE41 | Philippine Legislation - Environmental / Safety | 1 Day |
Construction | Corporate Excellence | CE45 | Problem Solving through Fault Tree Analysis | 1 Day |
Construction | Corporate Excellence | CE47 | Project Risk Management | 1 Day |
Construction | Corporate Excellence | CE55 | The Financial Aspects of Managing Quality (Cost of Quality) | 1 Day |
Construction | Corporate Excellence | CE59 | Waste Management of Electrical and Electronic Equipment (W3E) | 1 Day |
Construction | Corporate Excellence | CE60 | Waste Management-Save Money while Saving the Environment | 1 Day |
Medical Institution | Behavioral Program | BP01 | Change Management - COD (Change or Die) | 1 Day |
Medical Institution | Behavioral Program | BP02 | Creativity and Innovation in the Workplace - Poka Yoke Approach | 1 Day |
Medical Institution | Behavioral Program | BP03 | Efficient Delegation - Key Steps to Organizational Success | 2 Days |
Medical Institution | Behavioral Program | BP04 | Enhancing Leadership Skills of Leaders | 2 Days |
Medical Institution | Behavioral Program | BP05 | Enneagram for effective Personnel Management | 1 Day |
Medical Institution | Behavioral Program | BP06 | HR Enhancement Seminar including Labor Law Updates | 2 Days |
Medical Institution | Behavioral Program | BP07 | Interviewing skills to screen the best applicant | 2 Days |
Medical Institution | Behavioral Program | BP08 | Performance Evaluation, Measurement and Analysis | 2 Days |
Medical Institution | Behavioral Program | BP09 | Stress Management | 2 Days |
Medical Institution | Behavioral Program | BP10 | Synergy Effects of Team-building for Organizational Growth | 2 Days |
Medical Institution | Behavioral Program | BP11 | The 8 Essential Habits towards Business Stability | 1 Day |
Medical Institution | Behavioral Program | BP12 | Time Management is Life Management | 1 Day |
Medical Institution | Behavioral Program | BP13 | Transforming Supervisors into Managers | 1 Day |
Medical Institution | Behavioral Program | BP14 | Tripple Communication within the Organization | 1 Day |
Medical Institution | Behavioral Program | BP15 | Work Attitude and Values Enhancement | 2 Days |
Medical Institution | Behavioral Program | BP16 | Work Life Balance | 1 Day |
Medical Institution | Management Systems | MS01 | BS 25999:2007 BCM (Business Continuity Management) | 1 Day |
Medical Institution | Management Systems | MS03 | ISO 10002 - Guidelines to Implement a Complaints Management | 1 Day |
Medical Institution | Management Systems | MS04 | ISO 10003 - Setting up an Effective Dispute Resolution System | 1 Day |
Medical Institution | Management Systems | MS05 | ISO 10014 - Guidelines to Achieve Financial Benefits from your QMS | 1 Day |
Medical Institution | Management Systems | MS06 | ISO 10015 - An in depth Understanding of guidelines for Training | 1 Day |
Medical Institution | Management Systems | MS07 | ISO 13485 - QMS for Medical Device Manufacturing | 1 Day |
Medical Institution | Management Systems | MS08 | ISO 14001 : 2004 EMS (Environmental Management System) | 1 Day |
Medical Institution | Management Systems | MS09 | ISO 19011: 2011 1st & 2nd Party Auditing for any management System | 3 Days |
Medical Institution | Management Systems | MS11 | ISO 26000 - Guidelines for Corporate Social Responsibility | 1 Day |
Medical Institution | Management Systems | MS12 | ISO 27001:2005 ISMS (Information Security Management System) | 1 Day |
Medical Institution | Management Systems | MS13 | ISO 27005:2008 Guidelines for Risk Management | 2 Days |
Medical Institution | Management Systems | MS14 | ISO 28000:2005 SCSM (Supply Chain Security Management) | 1 Day |
Medical Institution | Management Systems | MS15 | ISO 9001 : 2008 Quality Management System | 1 Day |
Medical Institution | Management Systems | MS16 | ISO50001 EnMS (Energy Management System) | 1 Day |
Medical Institution | Management Systems | MS17 | OHSAS 18001 :2007 OHSAS | 1 Day |
Medical Institution | Corporate Excellence | CE01 | Establishing In House Calibration | 2 Days |
Medical Institution | Corporate Excellence | CE02 | 7 QC Tools - Implementation in an Organization | 2 Days |
Medical Institution | Corporate Excellence | CE04 | A Touch of Quality for Healthcare Institutions - Quality 101 | 1 Day |
Medical Institution | Corporate Excellence | CE05 | Accident/Incedent Reporting and Investigation | 1 Day |
Medical Institution | Corporate Excellence | CE08 | Auditor's Training - Continual Development including Case Analysis | 2 Days |
Medical Institution | Corporate Excellence | CE09 | Brand Image Enhancement through Corporate Social Responsibility | 1 Day |
Medical Institution | Corporate Excellence | CE10 | Contracting and Procurement Management | 1 Day |
Medical Institution | Corporate Excellence | CE12 | DCC Training - Effective Implementation of Document Control | 2 Days |
Medical Institution | Corporate Excellence | CE14 | Dimensional Metrology with Tolerancing and Fits | 2 Days |
Medical Institution | Corporate Excellence | CE16 | Ergonomics in the Workplace-Essential for Safety and Productivity | 1 Day |
Medical Institution | Corporate Excellence | CE19 | Financial Planning & Management | 1 Day |
Medical Institution | Corporate Excellence | CE20 | Fire Safety Awareness | 1 Day |
Medical Institution | Corporate Excellence | CE21 | First Aid and Basic Life Support | 2 Days |
Medical Institution | Corporate Excellence | CE24 | Identifying Training needs Analysis-Workshop | 2 Days |
Medical Institution | Corporate Excellence | CE25 | Implementing an Effective Energy Management Program | 2 Days |
Medical Institution | Corporate Excellence | CE26 | In House Trainers - Continual Development Training | 2 Days |
Medical Institution | Corporate Excellence | CE27 | Kaizen - Continual Improvement Techniques | 1 Day |
Medical Institution | Corporate Excellence | CE29 | Knowing your Business through Balanced Scorecard | 1 Day |
Medical Institution | Corporate Excellence | CE30 | Lean Inventory Management | 1 Day |
Medical Institution | Corporate Excellence | CE32 | Materials & Energy Flow Analysis | 2 Days |
Medical Institution | Corporate Excellence | CE34 | Measuring ROI on Implementing Effective Training System | 1 Day |
Medical Institution | Corporate Excellence | CE35 | Microsoft Excel Application with Pivoting & Macros | 2 Days |
Medical Institution | Corporate Excellence | CE36 | Microsoft PowerPoint Application | 1 Day |
Medical Institution | Corporate Excellence | CE41 | Philippine Legislation - Environmental / Safety | 1 Day |
Medical Institution | Corporate Excellence | CE45 | Problem Solving through Fault Tree Analysis | 1 Day |
Medical Institution | Corporate Excellence | CE47 | Project Risk Management | 1 Day |
Medical Institution | Corporate Excellence | CE49 | Quality Objectives and Target Setting - Workshop | 1 Day |
Medical Institution | Corporate Excellence | CE50 | Safety Management Representative (SMR) Training | 2 Days |
Medical Institution | Corporate Excellence | CE55 | The Financial Aspects of Managing Quality (Cost of Quality) | 1 Day |
Medical Institution | Corporate Excellence | CE59 | Waste Management of Electrical and Electronic Equipment (W3E) | 1 Day |
Medical Institution | Corporate Excellence | CE60 | Waste Management-Save Money while Saving the Environment | 1 Day |
Educational Institution | Behavioral Program | BP01 | Change Management - COD (Change or Die) | 1 Day |
Educational Institution | Behavioral Program | BP02 | Creativity and Innovation in the Workplace - Poka Yoke Approach | 1 Day |
Educational Institution | Behavioral Program | BP03 | Efficient Delegation - Key Steps to Organizational Success | 2 Days |
Educational Institution | Behavioral Program | BP04 | Enhancing Leadership Skills of Leaders | 2 Days |
Educational Institution | Behavioral Program | BP05 | Enneagram for effective Personnel Management | 1 Day |
Educational Institution | Behavioral Program | BP06 | HR Enhancement Seminar including Labor Law Updates | 2 Days |
Educational Institution | Behavioral Program | BP07 | Interviewing skills to screen the best applicant | 2 Days |
Educational Institution | Behavioral Program | BP08 | Performance Evaluation, Measurement and Analysis | 2 Days |
Educational Institution | Behavioral Program | BP09 | Stress Management | 2 Days |
Educational Institution | Behavioral Program | BP10 | Synergy Effects of Team-building for Organizational Growth | 2 Days |
Educational Institution | Behavioral Program | BP11 | The 8 Essential Habits towards Business Stability | 1 Day |
Educational Institution | Behavioral Program | BP12 | Time Management is Life Management | 1 Day |
Educational Institution | Behavioral Program | BP13 | Transforming Supervisors into Managers | 1 Day |
Educational Institution | Behavioral Program | BP14 | Tripple Communication within the Organization | 1 Day |
Educational Institution | Behavioral Program | BP15 | Work Attitude and Values Enhancement | 2 Days |
Educational Institution | Behavioral Program | BP16 | Work Life Balance | 1 Day |
Educational Institution | Management Systems | MS01 | BS 25999:2007 BCM (Business Continuity Management) | 1 Day |
Educational Institution | Management Systems | MS03 | ISO 10002 - Guidelines to Implement a Complaints Management | 1 Day |
Educational Institution | Management Systems | MS04 | ISO 10003 - Setting up an Effective Dispute Resolution System | 1 Day |
Educational Institution | Management Systems | MS05 | ISO 10014 - Guidelines to Achieve Financial Benefits from your QMS | 1 Day |
Educational Institution | Management Systems | MS06 | ISO 10015 - An in depth Understanding of guidelines for Training | 1 Day |
Educational Institution | Management Systems | MS08 | ISO 14001 : 2004 EMS (Environmental Management System) | 1 Day |
Educational Institution | Management Systems | MS09 | ISO 19011: 2011 1st & 2nd Party Auditing for any management System | 3 Days |
Educational Institution | Management Systems | MS11 | ISO 26000 - Guidelines for Corporate Social Responsibility | 1 Day |
Educational Institution | Management Systems | MS12 | ISO 27001:2005 ISMS (Information Security Management System) | 1 Day |
Educational Institution | Management Systems | MS13 | ISO 27005:2008 Guidelines for Risk Management | 2 Days |
Educational Institution | Management Systems | MS14 | ISO 28000:2005 SCSM (Supply Chain Security Management) | 1 Day |
Educational Institution | Management Systems | MS15 | ISO 9001 : 2008 Quality Management System | 1 Day |
Educational Institution | Management Systems | MS16 | ISO50001 EnMS (Energy Management System) | 1 Day |
Educational Institution | Management Systems | MS17 | OHSAS 18001 :2007 OHSAS | 1 Day |
Educational Institution | Corporate Excellence | CE05 | Accident/Incedent Reporting and Investigation | 1 Day |
Educational Institution | Corporate Excellence | CE08 | Auditor's Training - Continual Development including Case Analysis | 2 Days |
Educational Institution | Corporate Excellence | CE09 | Brand Image Enhancement through Corporate Social Responsibility | 1 Day |
Educational Institution | Corporate Excellence | CE12 | DCC Training - Effective Implementation of Document Control | 2 Days |
Educational Institution | Corporate Excellence | CE16 | Ergonomics in the Workplace-Essential for Safety and Productivity | 1 Day |
Educational Institution | Corporate Excellence | CE20 | Fire Safety Awareness | 1 Day |
Educational Institution | Corporate Excellence | CE21 | First Aid and Basic Life Support | 2 Days |
Educational Institution | Corporate Excellence | CE24 | Identifying Training needs Analysis-Workshop | 2 Days |
Educational Institution | Corporate Excellence | CE25 | Implementing an Effective Energy Management Program | 2 Days |
Educational Institution | Corporate Excellence | CE27 | Kaizen - Continual Improvement Techniques | 1 Day |
Educational Institution | Corporate Excellence | CE29 | Knowing your Business through Balanced Scorecard | 1 Day |
Educational Institution | Corporate Excellence | CE32 | Materials & Energy Flow Analysis | 2 Days |
Educational Institution | Corporate Excellence | CE36 | Microsoft PowerPoint Application | 1 Day |
Educational Institution | Corporate Excellence | CE41 | Philippine Legislation - Environmental / Safety | 1 Day |
Educational Institution | Corporate Excellence | CE47 | Project Risk Management | 1 Day |
Educational Institution | Corporate Excellence | CE60 | Waste Management-Save Money while Saving the Environment | 1 Day |
Trading and Others | Behavioral Program | BP01 | Change Management - COD (Change or Die) | 1 Day |
Trading and Others | Behavioral Program | BP02 | Creativity and Innovation in the Workplace - Poka Yoke Approach | 1 Day |
Trading and Others | Behavioral Program | BP03 | Efficient Delegation - Key Steps to Organizational Success | 2 Days |
Trading and Others | Behavioral Program | BP04 | Enhancing Leadership Skills of Leaders | 2 Days |
Trading and Others | Behavioral Program | BP05 | Enneagram for effective Personnel Management | 1 Day |
Trading and Others | Behavioral Program | BP06 | HR Enhancement Seminar including Labor Law Updates | 2 Days |
Trading and Others | Behavioral Program | BP07 | Interviewing skills to screen the best applicant | 2 Days |
Trading and Others | Behavioral Program | BP08 | Performance Evaluation, Measurement and Analysis | 2 Days |
Trading and Others | Behavioral Program | BP09 | Stress Management | 2 Days |
Trading and Others | Behavioral Program | BP10 | Synergy Effects of Team-building for Organizational Growth | 2 Days |
Trading and Others | Behavioral Program | BP11 | The 8 Essential Habits towards Business Stability | 1 Day |
Trading and Others | Behavioral Program | BP12 | Time Management is Life Management | 1 Day |
Trading and Others | Behavioral Program | BP13 | Transforming Supervisors into Managers | 1 Day |
Trading and Others | Behavioral Program | BP14 | Tripple Communication within the Organization | 1 Day |
Trading and Others | Behavioral Program | BP15 | Work Attitude and Values Enhancement | 2 Days |
Trading and Others | Behavioral Program | BP16 | Work Life Balance | 1 Day |
Trading and Others | Management Systems | MS01 | BS 25999:2007 BCM (Business Continuity Management) | 1 Day |
Trading and Others | Management Systems | MS03 | ISO 10002 - Guidelines to Implement a Complaints Management | 1 Day |
Trading and Others | Management Systems | MS04 | ISO 10003 - Setting up an Effective Dispute Resolution System | 1 Day |
Trading and Others | Management Systems | MS05 | ISO 10014 - Guidelines to Achieve Financial Benefits from your QMS | 1 Day |
Trading and Others | Management Systems | MS06 | ISO 10015 - An in depth Understanding of guidelines for Training | 1 Day |
Trading and Others | Management Systems | MS08 | ISO 14001 : 2004 EMS (Environmental Management System) | 1 Day |
Trading and Others | Management Systems | MS09 | ISO 19011: 2011 1st & 2nd Party Auditing for any management System | 3 Days |
Trading and Others | Management Systems | MS11 | ISO 26000 - Guidelines for Corporate Social Responsibility | 1 Day |
Trading and Others | Management Systems | MS12 | ISO 27001:2005 ISMS (Information Security Management System) | 1 Day |
Trading and Others | Management Systems | MS13 | ISO 27005:2008 Guidelines for Risk Management | 2 Days |
Trading and Others | Management Systems | MS14 | ISO 28000:2005 SCSM (Supply Chain Security Management) | 1 Day |
Trading and Others | Management Systems | MS15 | ISO 9001 : 2008 Quality Management System | 1 Day |
Trading and Others | Management Systems | MS16 | ISO50001 EnMS (Energy Management System) | 1 Day |
Trading and Others | Management Systems | MS17 | OHSAS 18001 :2007 OHSAS | 1 Day |
Trading and Others | Corporate Excellence | CE08 | Auditor's Training - Continual Development including Case Analysis | 2 Days |
Trading and Others | Corporate Excellence | CE09 | Brand Image Enhancement through Corporate Social Responsibility | 1 Day |
Trading and Others | Corporate Excellence | CE10 | Contracting and Procurement Management | 1 Day |
Trading and Others | Corporate Excellence | CE12 | DCC Training - Effective Implementation of Document Control | 2 Days |
Trading and Others | Corporate Excellence | CE16 | Ergonomics in the Workplace-Essential for Safety and Productivity | 1 Day |
Trading and Others | Corporate Excellence | CE17 | Essentials of an Effective Service Desk Relations | 1 Day |
Trading and Others | Corporate Excellence | CE20 | Fire Safety Awareness | 1 Day |
Trading and Others | Corporate Excellence | CE21 | First Aid and Basic Life Support | 2 Days |
Trading and Others | Corporate Excellence | CE24 | Identifying Training needs Analysis-Workshop | 2 Days |
Trading and Others | Corporate Excellence | CE25 | Implementing an Effective Energy Management Program | 2 Days |
Trading and Others | Corporate Excellence | CE29 | Knowing your Business through Balanced Scorecard | 1 Day |
Trading and Others | Corporate Excellence | CE35 | Microsoft Excel Application with Pivoting & Macros | 2 Days |
Trading and Others | Corporate Excellence | CE36 | Microsoft PowerPoint Application | 1 Day |
Trading and Others | Corporate Excellence | CE39 | New Approach to Sales & Marketing | 1 Day |
Trading and Others | Corporate Excellence | CE47 | Project Risk Management | 1 Day |
Trading and Others | Corporate Excellence | CE59 | Waste Management of Electrical and Electronic Equipment (W3E) | 1 Day |
Trading and Others | Corporate Excellence | CE60 | Waste Management-Save Money while Saving the Environment | 1 Day |