Green Philippines Islands of Sustainability
One of the key objectives of European Union is to integrate environmental sustainability with economic growth and welfare by decoupling environmental degradation from economic growth and doing more with less. It emphasizes on Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP), which maximizes business’ potential to transform environmental challenges into economic opportunities and provides a better deal for consumers. GreenPhilippines Islands of Sustainability is one of the initiatives funded by the European Union, which strives to realize EU’s vision of SCP.
A similar project based on SCP vision, GreenPhilippines Project (GPP), funded by the European Union Asia ProEco Budget line, helped companies not only to improve their environmental and social performances but also helped them to reap economic benefits (Profit).
GreenPhilippines Islands of Sustainability – the sequel, is an attempt to change the microclimate of Manila and the CALABARZON region by creating awareness, providing technical assistance to the participating companies and advocating and aligning with government strategy.
GreenPhilippines Islands of Sustainability Web Portal will give you an insight into
- Different techniques that companies can adopt to switch to cleaner sustainable production .
- Progress of our initiative.
Project Background
Green Philippines Islands of Sustainability (GPIoS) is an initiative funded by the European Union’s SWITCH-Asia Program (2009-2013) to contribute to an improved environmental and sustainable industrial development of Metro Manila and CALABARZON Regions.
The project* aims to enable participating companies generate economic profit by simultaneously increasing resource efficiency and minimizing environmental impact. This approach has proven that being green and generating profit need not be mutually exclusive. Enterprises made it possible to cut their costs into operational environmental protection and increase their economical and ecological efficiency.
* The project is based on the ECOPROFIT approach originated in Austria.
This project aims to contribute to an improved environmental and sustainable industrial development of Metro Manila and CALABARZON, by reducing the pollution level and by increasing resource efficiency of companies in the said areas.
Benefits of Participating Companies
Participants will receive FREE TRAINING and CONSULTING which is based on the triple bottom line philosophy of balance social (People), economic (Profit), environmental (Planet) benefits.
General Structure of the Project
Program Categories
Program | Enterprise Size | No. of Workshops* | Direct Consulting* |
ECOBONUS | Large and Medium | 6 | 5 to 6 days |
ECOFOCUS | Small and Medium | 4 | 3 to 4 days |
ECOSENSE | Micro Enterprises | 2 | 1 initial assessment and self monitoring toolkit |
* The number of workshops and direct consulting are based on the past experience of previous participants. These numbers can vary as the project is tailored to the needs of the clients
Main Topics
- Cleaner Technology
- Waste Reduction, Reuse, Recycle and Management
- Industrial Energy Efficiency
- Energy Analysis and Mass Flow Analysis
- Eco-friendly Purchasing
- Environment Cost and Environmental Controlling
- Environmental Accounting and Environmental Marketing
- Economic and Legal Requirements
- Sustainable Production and Consumption
- Environmental Team
- Motivation
- Environmental Policy
- Creativity and Innovation
- Hazardous Materials
- Project Management
- Communication and Marketing
Download the Project Information Brochure
Project Partners
Technical University of Ostrava (VSB), Czech Republic
Technical University of Ostrava (VSB), Czech Republic, is a technical and economic institution of higher education. The principal task of which is the provision of higher education based on free and internationally-oriented research. The Institute of Environmental Engineering runs the Cleaner Production (CP) Training Centre of VSB-TUO, dealing with CP education within study programmes and projects in the said area, including the training of companies. Together with GrAT and ASSIST as main partners, VSB was the main applicant of the first project of GREENPHILIPPINES and is still the main applicant for the second one. VSB will participate in company on-site works and training activities in basic programmes.
Contact: Dr. Alena Labodova, PhD. VSB – Technical University Ostrava 17. Listopadu 15 708 33 Ostrava-Poruba, Czech Republic |
Phone | : (+42) 0 59 699 5540 |
Fax | : (+42) 0 59 691 8589 |
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Web | : |
Center for Appropriate Technology (GrAT), Austria
Center for Appropriate Technology (GrAT) is a scientific association for research and development of Appropriate Technology. Since 1986, GrAT has been proactively responding to a wide range of relevant issues in sustainable development like sustainable building, renewable resources, renewable energy, product service systems, cleaner production and ecodesign. Members and VSB have a good cooperation since they have been involved for many years in numerous projects on Cleaner Production. One of the main services of associated member STENUM is the well known ECOPROFIT programme, as one Cleaner Production approach, that was developed 1992 by them. Since that time this approach is disseminated through STENUM all over the world. GrAT was the main European Partner of VSB in the first phase of the GreenPhilippines project.
Contact: Technische Universität Wien Wiedner Hauptstr. 8-10 1040 Wien, Austria |
Phone | : (+43) 1 58801 49523 |
Fax | : (+43) 1 58801 49533 |
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Web | : |
Austria Recycling (AREC)
Austria Recycling (AREC) and its associated partners are working in sustainable industrial development at the interface between economy and environment, acting as a bridge between industry and environment. AREC supports enterprises and communities in particular in the process of the implementation of management systems, by technical and organizational consulting, empowerment of people and training for an eco-efficient, sustainable economic manner as well as in financial and social matters.
Contact: Austria Recycling Obere Donaustraße 71 1020 Wien, Austria |
Phone | : (+43) 1 2145600 |
Fax | : (+43) 1 2145616 |
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Web | : |
Asia Society for Social Improvement and Sustainable Transformation (ASSIST)
Asia Society for Social Improvement and Sustainable Transformation (ASSIST) is a non-stock, non-profit international capacity building organization with its headquarters in the Philippines. It aims to achieve and witness meaningful change to and for our planet and the people living on it. Since 2003, it has implemented over 20 projects funded by multi-lateral donors such as European Union, USAid, UNEP, UNIDO, DEG, GTZ, etc. ASSIST focuses on thematic areas of Energy, Environment & Water; SME/Industry competitiveness; Human rights, Democracy & Governance; and Food & health services and has implemented projects across Southeast Asia, South Asia , China and parts of Africa.
Contact: Mr. Narayanan Sreenivas Asia Society for Social Improvement & Sustainable Transformation Level 5 A&V Crystal Tower, 105 Esteban Street, Legaspi Village, 1229 Makati City, Philippines |
Phone | : (+632) 403 1890 (Direct line) |
: (+632) 403 8668 (8 lines) | |
Fax | : (+632) 403 8358 |
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Web | : |
Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PCCI)
Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PCCI) is a non-stock, non-profit, non-government organization comprised of small, medium, and large enterprises; local chambers and industry associations representing various sectors of business. These all work together to foster a healthier Philippine economy and better viability of business in the country. The PCCI helps its members become globally competitive through focused advocacy and business networking services.
Contact: PCCI Main Office 3rd Floor, ECC Building 355 Sen. Gil Puyat Avenue Makati City, Philippines |
Phone | : (+632) 896 4549 |
Fax | : (+632) 899 1727 |
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Web | : |
European Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines (ECCP)
European Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines (ECCP) is a bilateral foreign chamber working with Philippine and European enterprises, ranging from small to large enterprises. As a 32 year-old membership business organization, ECCP has established a network of more than 10,000 enterprises which are mostly clients. It has been involved in promoting several training programs aimed at creating and promoting awareness, trade fairs, business fora, etc.
Contact: European Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines v19/F Axa Life Center Sen. Gil Puyat Avenue corner Tindalo Street Makati City, Metro Manila, 1200 Philippines |
Phone | : (+632) 845 1324 |
Fax | : (+632) 845 1395 to 97 |
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Web | : |
Philippine Business for Environment (PBE)
Philippine Business for Environment (PBE) is an environmental non-profit organization established in 1992 by private individuals with the mission to help the Philippine industry address its environmental concerns and responsibilities.
Contact: Philippine Business for the Environment 2nd Floor, DAP Bldg. San Miguel Ave. Pasig City, Philippines |
Phone | : (+632) 635 3670 |
: (+632) 635 2650 to 51 | |
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Web | : |
Philippine Trade Training Centre (PTTC)
Philippine Trade Training Centre (PTTC) under the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), is a governmental agency mandated to develop training modules on export and import techniques and procedures; raise the level of awareness of Philippine businessmen of export opportunities and the availability of alternative sources of import products or diversified markets for exports; offer specialized courses for specific industry groups directed at overcoming barriers to overseas market penetration; and conduct training programs in international trade practices, inspection techniques and exhibition mounting.
Thus, PTTC will provide the project the necessary training arm. Its expertise will further enhance the implementation and sustainability of the Project, especially in its training/capacity building objectives.
Contact: Ms. Elizabeth Manuel PTTC Building Sen. Gil Puyat Ave., corner Roxas Blvd., Pasay City, Philippines |
Phone | : (632) 468 8969 or (632) 468 4965 |
Fax | : (632) 831 9988 |
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Website | : |
Department of Environmental and Natural Resources (DENR), Philippines
Department of environmental and natural resources (DENR), Philippines, is the primary governmental agency responsible for the conservation, management, development and proper use of the country’s environment and natural resources, specifically forest and grazing lands in order to ensure equitable sharing of the benefits derived from the welfare of the present and future generations of Filipinos. DENR-EMB provides the necessary governmental support for project implementation by providing assistance on training experts and recognition to company beneficiaries towards self-regulating environmental performance through their Philippine Environment Partnership Program (PEPP). This support translates to the further strengthening of the impact of this Project as well as guarantees a measure of sustainability and replicability.
Contact: Secretary Lito Atienza DENR Building Visayas Avenue, Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines |
Phone | : (632) 9280691 to 93 local 2003/2008 |
Fax | : (63) 45 99 1137 |
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Website | : |
Environmental Practitioners Association (EPA), Philippines
Environmental practitioners Association (EPA), Philippines, is a non-stock non-profit organization with more than 50 active members on its list, which include numerous business institutions in the Subic Free Port and Special Economic Zone and supports the project implementation by sharing experiences of previous ECOPROFIT implementation in Clark and Subic (difficulties, strength and weaknesses) and is involved through their ECOPROFIT Consultants too.
Contact: Mr. Jocef Serrano CDC-EMD, 2/F Clark Musuem Clark Freeport Zone, Pampanga |
Phone | : (+6345) 499 1137 to 38 |
Fax | : (+6345) 499 1137 |
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Project Funding Agency
European Union (EU)
The European Union (EU) is made up of 27 Member States who have decided to gradually link together their know-how, resources and destinies. Together, during a period of enlargement of 50 years, they have built a zone of stability, democracy and sustainable development whilst maintaining cultural diversity, tolerance and individual freedoms.
The European Union is committed to sharing its achievements and its values with countries and peoples beyond its borders.
Contact: Delegation of the European Union to the Philippines SWITCH ASIA Programme 30/F Tower II RCBC Plaza 6819 Ayala Avenue, Makati City, 1200 |
Phone | : (+632) 859 5100 |
Fax | : (+632) 859 5109 |
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Web | : |
Project Results
Project Results – Phase 1 of Implementation 2010-2011
GPIoS has successfully acquired 95 companies during the first year of its implementation, from 2010 to 2011. The companies received free training and consultancy, and an ECOSWITCH certification which is built on the triple bottom line philosophy of balanced social (People), economic (Profit), and environmental benefits (Planet).

Dr. Thomas Dielacher, Project Lead for the Green Philippines Islands of Sustainability (GPIoS) Project, proudly announced the accomplishments of the initiative during the ECOSWITCH Awards Ceremony last September 22, 2011.
The results of the project show the following significant financial and environmental benefits (see more details below):
Electricity | 8,907,445 Kilowatt Hour | 7% | 80,185,117 | 107,454,159 |
Fuel | 877,852 Liter | 13% | 24,020,075 | 2,200,000 |
Hazardous Waste | 15,277 Kilogram | 63% | 1,045,213 | 109,593 |
Solid Waste | 315,464 Kilogram | 76% | 29,525,153 | 613,870 |
Water | 640,662 Cubic Meter | 39% | 9,066,215 | 5,473,086 |
TOTAL | 143,841,776 | 115,850,708 |
* These values are proven savings until August 2011, overall performance of phase 1 is more than twice
Total energy savings can light up 47, 367 street lamps for one whole year 12 hours each day
The amount of water savings can fill 256 Olympic sized pool
The amount of waste avoided can fill up 23 garbage trucks
Return of Investment = 0.8 and Payback time of 9.6 months
As Dr. Dielacher explains, “This approach proves that being green and profit-oriented need not be mutually exclusive. Enterprises can cut their costs into operational environmental protection and increase their economical and ecological efficiency”.
View the success story of Green Philippines initiative by choosing a participant company from the following sectors/categories.
- Angeles Ice Plant
- Calfurn Manufacturing Philippines Incorporated
- Tailin Abrasives Corporation
- Yokohama Tires Philippines, Inc
Electronics Manufacturing
- Hitachi Terminals Mechetronics Phils. Corp.
- Micro HiFi Solutions Inc.
- H3 Technology Philippines, Inc.
- Koushin Mechtronics Manufacturing. Phils., Inc.
- Nicera Philippines, Inc.
- Nidec Subic Phils., Corp.
- Sanyo Semiconductor Manufacturing. Philippines, Corp.
Food & Food Processing Industry
- Feedworld, Incorporated
- Mother Earth Products, Inc.
- Romac Industries, Inc.
- Mekeni Food Corporation
- Pampanga’s Best, Inc.
Service Industry
- Angeles Power, Inc
- Nepomall
- CRL Environmental Corporation
- Dolomatrix Philippines, Inc.
- Honeywell Ceasa Subic BayL&T International Group Phils., Inc.
- Safewaste, Inc.
Training Center
Training Manuals
- Basic Program Training Manual 1
- Basic Program Training Manual 2
- Basic Program Training Manual 3
- Basic Program Training Manual 4
- Cleaner Production
- MFA Teamwork Creativity and Innovation
- Energy Analysis Eco-Friendly Purchasing Waste Management and Hazardous Materials
- Environment Cost and Environment Controlling